Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 63 of the 365 Days of Blogging

The author, Dane F. Baylis

Tell You About My Writing Schedule For March

Give Me A Second Alright?...ROTFLMFAO...Okay, That's Better.

(I'm sure If You've Been On The Internet For More Than Ten Minutes You Know What That Long List Of Letters Means.)

Schedule? How about this...I write...When I'm not induced (OR FORCED) to do something else...I WRITE! I just finished a new short story that my favorite have to marry them to keep them on your side...has at this point and we will, uh...discuss...her suggestions when she's done. This morning I was going through my poetry journals, a notebook and various other sources and compiling a new manuscript of my most recent verse. This is a follow up to one that is under consideration at this time. On the heels of that are the notes for another short story that has overtones of Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men. (I've admitted it before...and if you're truthful, so will you...I steal some of my best ideas! Don't try to tell me there's any new ones out there...I've been around too long to fall for that! There's just new ways of telling them.) 
All of this is in addition to the half dozen short works out to various publications, houses and journals since the beginning of the year. Then there is this blog, essays for the on-line course in Shin Buddhism I'm taking through the Center for Buddhist Education in Berkley, CA and, when I don't have anything else to do, I'm hammering my way through the first draft of a techno-thriller tentatively titled Resist that I hope to have done by early April.
I don't schedule my writing...I just write! I stay up late, I get up early, I take down time at my day job and I write. I write when I'm not the driver on outings or as a passenger on planes going someplace. I write in restaurants, waiting rooms and at the tire store. When I'm not writing I'm reading...Yes, Johnny, I read about f***ing writing! Magazine articles, how to's, self-directed study, other poor bastard's sob stories. Then I read for entertainment...Only even then it becomes a correspondence course of sorts because I read like a writer. I want to understand why a particular writer does it like this, while another does it like that. Why THAT word and not THIS? Why paragraphs of this length and not that...Why everything?
Why? Because there were so many before me who were so much better. There are so many who are my contemporaries who I so admire...Even if it's only for the simple turn of a single phrase...They thought of it and it is beautiful. Because one day I hope to be just a small part of all that. My writing schedule...All the damned time...How about yours?
Accepting short fiction to 1200 words, poetry to 25 lines, and carefully crafted essays for the Your Work/Your Love page. Nope, still no pay, just glorious exposure! You can send your work to me via e-mail at Authors retain all rights. You can also follow or subscribe to this blog. There are gadgets for that on the right side of this page. I love the company and it helps with the search engine ranking. Comments, critiques, and questions are always answered in as timely a manner as I can manage between my day job, writing, studies, blah, blah, blah. There's a form at the bottom of the page for your use.
In the meantime,, love, write.
Dane F. Baylis

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