Tuesday, April 10, 2018


As I've been saying in the last couple of posts I'm moving my web presence to WordPress. There are a few reasons for this, the main one being I just felt it was time for a change. Tonight I won't be copying a posting from this page to paste onto that one. This will be the debut of a blog post written strictly for the new venue. It can be seen at Dane Baylis Undeterred in a short while.

If you've been following or just visiting this site from time to time I'd like to extend a very warm invitation to visit at the new digs. No need for house warming gifts, just drop by and say hello!

Dane F. Baylis.

Thursday, April 5, 2018


I Said I Was Moving

     Anyone who has visited this site in the last few days or has been receiving my blog updates is aware that I am moving from the place I've occupied for sometime on Googles Blogger service. I have opened a new page with WordPress and taken the next step in my life as a professional writer by purchasing a domain name. I am not comfortable suddenly jumping from one platform to the other, so I will be transitioning from one to the other over the next couple of weeks. The new site bears the same name (Dane Baylis Undeterred) and can be found at this link Dane Baylis Undeterred.

I'm really looking forward to old and new acquaintances dropping by too check out the new address!!! See you there.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


This Isn't Goodbye. I'm Just Changing Neighborhoods.

For those who have been with me a while, and those who come and go, I'm going to be moving. No, not in the physical world. Here in the digital. I've decided to open a new blog location featuring the same irreverent, and at times irritating, content. I'm heading over to WordPress where I'm in the process of constructing some new digs. (You have no idea the amount of stress and aggravation this entails).

The new place will have the same title, 'Dane Baylis Undeterred' but it will be at a different web address. More on that as I progress with the design and decorations. For those of you who have been with me a while I extend a heartfelt invitation to come over and say hi. If you're just finding this older site, hey, try the new one.

My thinking in this isn't all that original. It's a case of the old adage, "Location. Location. Location." Things have been really cozy here but just haven't produced the results I'd hoped for. Of course, I'm risking discovering it wasn't the place but the proprietor. Anyway, I've invested a few bucks to see what happens as far as how it affects exposure and response. I'd like to make it as welcoming as possible as I keep pushing out into the literary world in hopes of that break.

It's all a tad nerve wracking but I've got my fingers crossed. Hopefully it doesn't turn out that what was really crossed were my wires. I'll be posting in both locations for a while until I get a sense of what I'm doing at the other site.

Again, my deepest thanks for anyone who has been a repeat visitor. I hope that some of what I've said here has had a positive effect on you and maybe prodded you to take your own chances!!!

Monday, April 2, 2018


     Any journey, great or not, has a beginning. Before the first step is taken. Before the first bit of dusty road, stretch of water, or mile of empty air is traveled the trip is begun. It begins, first, with the desire to go from here to there. Next comes the questions of what mode of transportation will be necessary? Is it possible to pick between more than one? How far are we going? How long will it take? When we arrive, what will the weather be like? Do we speak the language? Do we carry the right currency? Will we be welcomed or regarded with something less than bonhomie?

     This is the real life of the writer. All the minute details that make up the stories we compose. Who is the protagonist? Is this a man or woman, a boy or girl? How old? From where? Height, weight, complexion, hair color? What is their educational background and social position? What do they do for work? Married? Divorced? How many times? Straight? Gay? Bisexual? Asexual?

     Where does this person live? Have they always lived there? Are they just passing through? What year is this? What else is going on in the world? Who is their main antagonist? Is this another character or are they in conflict with something inside themselves?

     The more questions you can think of to ask about your story and the characters that populate it the better able you are to bring depth and insight into your creation. You may very well not use a fraction of what you uncover, but how much more rich a world you will lead your readers into.

     I've encountered a number of writers who skip past this step. They wander about in incomplete surroundings trying to get us to believe in characters who lack emotion and lineage. They give them abilities or revelations that don't hold up to investigation. They put them in places that are no more than the empty facades on which Hollywood screenplays are too often hung. In the case of fantasy and heroic fiction, they arm them with weapons without having any idea how they are to be employed or, worse yet, endow them with some magical 'ability' to make up for any lack of connection to the believable.

     Research is everything to a writer. From the inception of a tale to finding a plausible market for the finished product. How many times have I heard of writers just shot gunning something out there in hopes it would hit a target? The literary marketplace can be a cold and lonely enough place even when you think you've applied due diligence. Getting something, anything, published can be a real arduous trek and an incredible accomplishment. How much more so when you are approaching all the wrong people with the wrong goods?

     Right now, I have several pieces of short fiction, a number of poems, and a completed novel out to different venues for consideration. I spent days and untold hours getting to know the inhabitants of the fictions I created. I invested weeks, months, and years in the writing and re-writing of every one of them. I spent time researching queries and submissions. I've retired any number of works to the, "I'll revisit that idea again" file. Nothing gets sent out or resubmitted without being re-read and if need be re-written.

     What's my point? Nothing great was ever created from thin air. Nothing worth reading was without history and complexity. That which went into the story or the marketing. If it seems such a simple, but precise, concoction you want to bet it was sweat over and worried about. Every thing you do as a writer demands you to live in its skin and breath its air. Research is the blood of the written word. Without it, you're dancing with cadavers.