Wednesday, April 4, 2018


This Isn't Goodbye. I'm Just Changing Neighborhoods.

For those who have been with me a while, and those who come and go, I'm going to be moving. No, not in the physical world. Here in the digital. I've decided to open a new blog location featuring the same irreverent, and at times irritating, content. I'm heading over to WordPress where I'm in the process of constructing some new digs. (You have no idea the amount of stress and aggravation this entails).

The new place will have the same title, 'Dane Baylis Undeterred' but it will be at a different web address. More on that as I progress with the design and decorations. For those of you who have been with me a while I extend a heartfelt invitation to come over and say hi. If you're just finding this older site, hey, try the new one.

My thinking in this isn't all that original. It's a case of the old adage, "Location. Location. Location." Things have been really cozy here but just haven't produced the results I'd hoped for. Of course, I'm risking discovering it wasn't the place but the proprietor. Anyway, I've invested a few bucks to see what happens as far as how it affects exposure and response. I'd like to make it as welcoming as possible as I keep pushing out into the literary world in hopes of that break.

It's all a tad nerve wracking but I've got my fingers crossed. Hopefully it doesn't turn out that what was really crossed were my wires. I'll be posting in both locations for a while until I get a sense of what I'm doing at the other site.

Again, my deepest thanks for anyone who has been a repeat visitor. I hope that some of what I've said here has had a positive effect on you and maybe prodded you to take your own chances!!!

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