Friday, March 1, 2013

Day 54 of the 365 Days of Blogging

The author, Dane F. Baylis


Share A Winter Image And What Thoughts Come To Mind As I Look At It.

Here it is. Late night snow in the city. Those who might have been out forego the venture for the comfort of their cozy homes and apartments. There is hardly a soul about and even the tracks of those who might have passed this way have been covered. There is the occasional taxi, maybe a patrol car, but the night is mine.
Perhaps it's the Back Bay in Boston or across the Charles River in Cambridge, maybe near Harvard or Kendall Squares? It's the end of a night of discussion and debate with good friends sharing food and drink. The crisp, muffled quiet makes a walk a thing of solitude and deep contemplation.
As you walk into the streetlight's glow you become aware of how the snow seems to limit the dimension of the city to a block, two at the most. As if you are encased in some dark sided snow globe. You wonder if enough snow will accumulate in the park to warrant cleaning up the runners on that old sled in the basement? It would be a lark to call everyone early and see if they wanted to get together in the morning. How many of them would actually take up the challenge.
Funny how it never really seems that cold in these heavy nightime snowfalls! You feel as if you could walk all the way back to Dorchester accompanied by the soft crunch of your footsteps and wandering thoughts. The trains and busses will still be running for another hour or so. Why not hoof it on over to Central or maybe the Mass. Avenue station before grabbing a train? What was that poem Jerry was quoting earlier? Oh yeah, Frost's, An Old Man's Winter Night, but he always loves the dramatic.
Accepting short fiction to 1200 words, poetry to 25 lines, and carefully crafted essays for the Your Work/Your Love page. Nope, still no pay, just glorious exposure! You can send your work to me via e-mail at Authors retain all rights. You can also follow or subscribe to this blog. There are gadgets for that on the right side of this page. I love the company and it helps with the search engine ranking. Comments, critiques, and questions are always answered in as timely a manner as I can manage between my day job, writing, studies, blah, blah, blah. There's a form at the bottom of the page for your use.
In the meantime,, love, write.
 Dane F. Baylis

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