Saturday, February 9, 2013

Day 34 of the 365 Days of Blogging

The author, Dane F. Baylis

How Are My 2013 Marketing Goals Going?

Considering my marketing goals until mid-October 2012 consisted of some vague consideration of whether I really wanted to pick up the pen again? Here we are in the second month of 2013 and I've created a Facebook page, I'm on Google Plus in a few different communities, and I'm an irritating, if not thoroughly adorable, presence on this blog. I've got a flurry of submissions out, even more in the works and I'm always looking for the next avenue or contact. I've had tentative discussions with an editor and a publicist and...I think I should go lay down for a while!
How do you judge how your marketing goals are proceeding? You can assign targets, meet self-imposed deadlines, schmooze everyone you think might be of assistance in your endeavor. But in the end it comes down to that one fine point...What have you sold lately?
The short answer for that is, "Nothing lately.",  which my past experience tells me to regard with a curl of the lip and a heart felt, "So fucking what?" As the cliche goes, "This ain't my first rodeo." I have as many rejection slips as credits and bylines. A dear friend and mentor once told me, "If you stick with anything artistic for twenty or twenty-five years, someone will eventually call you a master of your medium. Then you better watch out because the hyenas will be waiting just past the fire's glow."
As I've just achieved the culmination of my sixth decade I may not have twenty or twenty-five years to hang out and wait. So instead of getting all, "Oh dear me! What SHALL I do," about it. I'll just do what I've always done. I'll write this stuff as damned well as I'm capable of and let someone else worry about accolades. Anyway, I'm more into the paychecks, reviews have to be lived up to or exceeded. What a pain that can be!
Dane Baylis Undeterred is accepting short fiction to 1200 words, poetry to 25 lines, and well conceived essays for the Your Work/Your Love page. I would appreciate anyone taking the time to sign up to follow or subscribe as it does help the search engine ratings (Gadgets to do so can be found on the right side of this page). Comments, critiques, and questions are always welcome and responded to with as much speed as I can muster., love, write.
Dane F. Baylis 

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