Monday, September 16, 2013

Day 253 of the 365 Days of Blogging

The author, Dane F. Baylis




Oh, due to some radical reshaping of facial hair and cranial cover I'm going to have a new photo done for this page.


So, as any blog-a-holic will do, I stopped on the way here to take a look at my stats. Mind you, I never expect them to be all that good, and, honestly, some days they're not, but I was really kind of surprised at the number of views I copped while I was seized by the "Oh, poor pitiful me's". Either you were all 1: playing catch up and reading other of my postings, 2: waiting to see if I actually jumped off the bridge, or, 3: quietly rooting for me.
I'll take the first and last choices and say thank you to all who come by no matter what shows up on the cover page. As for the second choice? Me? Please! I've been shot at, stabbed, beaten, told I had a better chance with ugly men than some of the women I've taken a run at, and survived the abysmal rejection of a thousand editors. If I get to the point where I seriously consider checking out, you all might want to look for the nearest exit, because the fecal matter has definitely impacted the ventilating device.
I did definitely decide a little vacation was in order, so today was a day off. What does a writer with a full-time day job do on a day off?
  • Re-write an 1800 word short story for the seventh time and send it to three different journals.
  • Compile a new poetry submission and get it off the desk.
  • Make sure the bookkeeping involved in all this was caught up.
  • Begin the reading of corrections and suggested changes to another crime-noir piece now that the Editor-in-Wife has finished working it over. (Rubber hoses and truncheons are the tools of choice).
In other words, what day off? That's the whole thing, I couldn't stop this if I wanted to. You see, the driver in all of it isn't if I'm making a ton of money. (Though I wouldn't turn it down!) The simplest answer to the, "Why do you do it?" inquiries has always been, "Because I do."

What I've earned over the years would hardly buy a tank of gas, a case of CHEAP beer, and a spot in a Big Sur campground for the weekend these days. But, damn, let me see something I've written, that hasn't been friggin' butchered on the way to print, with my name spelled correctly in the by-line...Tell me we all don't live for that?
So, to paraphrase "Poltergeist", " I'm baaaaaack." Thanks for sticking with me!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, love, write.
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Dane F. Baylis

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