Sunday, January 12, 2014

Where to from here?

The author/publisher,
Dane F. Baylis


Well, here I am again. I've been away from this site for almost a full week, and what a week it's been!
Monday night was the resumption of my Buddhist studies class at the Oxnard Buddhist Temple. Good to be back among the sangha and sharing our understanding of and occasional confusion with the Way. We have a new minister, the Reverend Masanori Watanabe late of Hiroshima, Japan. He replace Reverend Henry Adams who is now in San Mateo, California.
 Tuesday night I attended a reading at the Cobalt Cafe in Canoga Park, CA. The featured reader goes by the moniker, Urban Voodoo. His work was strong and subtly emotional with the kind of insight that doesn't just touch you but seems to reach in and take up residence in your psyche. A wonderful evening with an open mic.
Wednesday I started work on some preliminary studies for a painting I'm working towards. Simple pencil sketches followed by more detailed graphite rendering of a mountain scape with a lake. The work was inspired by the Big Bear, CA area and I'm looking to a final work reflective of Japanese  monotone brush and ink work.
Thursday, another reading. This one was in Ventura, CA and featured Ron Alexander, organizer of the Whitman/Stein series in Santa Barbara, which is now expanding to include a venue in San Francisco. Again, a wonderful voice with a lively appreciation of language and linguistics.
Friday I assisted at the inauguration ceremony for Ventura County, California's first poet laureate, Mary Kay Rummel. It was the usual scene full of hurry up and wait filled to over flowing with elbow rubbing and schmoozing, something I readily admit to being a total failure at. It was a smooth affair with the usual dignitaries or their representatives. By evenings close I was done.
Saturday, off to breakfast with the Editor-in-Wife. Then a side trip to take photo's for another painting I want to get going on. Back to the house to push the mountain scape studies to the next level and work on a new poem.
Today, Sunday, it was down to Highland Park in Los Angeles for a resumption of the Bluebird Readings in the Avenue 50 Gallery, presented by Jessica Ceballos. Jessica was recently honored by the City of Los Angeles as the Angeleno of the Year. The woman has more energy then any ten of her guest readers and musicians!
All of this on top of my usual 40+ hours at the day job. Oh, and trying my darnedest to keep a chapbook project for a poet friend and colleague on track. That's without mentioning preliminary planning for a reading of my own in Santa Barbara on the 8th of February from 4-6PM at Grenada Books and a group all erotic reading in Ventura on March 9th starting at 2PM in the Sylvia White Gallery on Main Street.
One of these days I want to be rich enough to hire someone to live my damned life!

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, love, write like the keys were on fire!
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Dane F. Baylis

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